fredag, maj 12, 2006

Bota, lindra, trösta... döda?

Ja, om del nihilister får som de vill så får läkareden omformuleras för att passa den nya tidens ideal. Men brittiska läkare vill fortfarande rädda liv:

The Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners abandoned their neutral stance on euthanasia, after an RCP survey that showed three quarters of the profession opposed a change in the law even for a tiny number of terminally ill people. Among palliative care doctors, 95.4 per cent opposed a change in the law. ...

In practice this would mean that a doctor has to hand them a lethal drug. Doctors are also worried about pressures that the option of assisted dying would put on patients who might feel a burden to relatives.

73 procent av de läkare som deltog i opinionsundersökningen motsatte sig en legalisering av aktiv dödshjälp.

(Via Townhall)