torsdag, mars 09, 2006

Moderat islam på riktigt

Den turkiske författaren och journalisten Mustafa Akyol och Zeyno Baran, chef för avdelningarna för internationell säkerhet och energipolitik vid Nixon Center ger i A Muslim Manifesto svar på frågorna om vad en moderat muslimsk inställning kan innebära:

· A zeal for Allah is rightful only when it is expressed in an enlightened manner.
· We also believe that terrorist acts can never be justified or excused.
· Every human has the right to believe or not to believe in Islam or in any other religion.
· We support and cherish democracy.
· We accept the legitimacy of the secular state and the secular law.
· We believe that women have the same inalienable rights as men.
· We believe that there is no contradiction between religious and national identities.
· We strongly denounce anti-Semitism... We accept Israel's right to exist.
· We strongly disagree with and condemn those who promote or practice tyranny and violence in the name of Islam.